
The Learned Pig

Travelling entertainments were common in the late eighteenth century.  This one featured an amazing pig which, picking numbers and letters depicted on cards, could spell names and tell the time!

“Among the infinite number of curiosities hitherto offered to the inspection and attention of the Public, there are none which lay so great a claim to our attention and approbation, as the wonderful and astonishing performance of the

L E A R N E D   P I G,

Now exhibiting at the George and Angel Inn, in this place.

This most singular Phaenomenon is one of the many surprising instances of the ingenuity of Mr NICHOLSON, a man who is possessed of an exclusive and peculiar power over the most irrational part of animated nature. – Many of the first personages in the three kingdoms have been witnesses to his persevering temper and patience in the tuition of Beasts, Birds, &c. in a degree that has seldom fallen to the lot of human infirmity; to evince this, we need only mention his having in his life taught a TURTLE to fetch and carry; his overcoming the timidity of a HARE by making her beat a drum; his perfecting six TURKEY COCKS in a regular country dance; his compleating a small BIRD in the performance of many surprising feats; his having taught three CATS to strike several tunes on the dulcimer with their paws, and to imitate the Italian manner of singing; but above all, his conquering the natural obstinacy and stupidity of a PIG. by teaching him to unite the letters of any person’s name, the number of persons in the room, the hour and minutes by any watch, &c. &c.

This singular creature may justly be deemed the greatest curiosity in the kingdom; and the Proprieter make no doubt but he will give that satisfaction, and receive that approbation from the Ladies and Gentlemen of this town, &c. which he has done in London and Edinburgh.”

Stamford Mercury, 8th February, 1788.



Pepper and Salt

This little section of amusing snippets appeared regularly in the 1930s.  This one contained appropriate seasonal stories about hens and turkeys.

“‘As a piece if furniture,’ writes an expert, ‘ a piano fills a room.’  And as a musical instrument it empties it.

*          *           *

‘Three Hens and a Cock’ for everyone would solve the new laid egg problem. – Letter to Press.

And also the early rising problem.

*       *         *

An elephant appearing in a London circus is called Mae West.  Symbolic of the broadness of her humour?

*       *          *

There are 750,000 turkeys in England and Wales this season – Market report.

What about a complimentary Sausage Census?

*         *      *

An attempt is to be made at a precise definition of ‘new-laid’ eggs.  Our belief is that only the hen really knows.”

The Stamford Mercury, 25th December, 1936.





Bread Prosecution

In 1917, wheat and other cereals were suffering from severe shortages; supplies were affected by poor harvest, reduced imports as a result of enemy action and lack of manpower.  The supply of bread became a major concern.  The Ministry of Food introduced The Bread Order which made it illegal to sell a loaf until 12 hours after it had been baked.  According to The Times, the government realised that stale bread was ‘more nutritious’ and would be consumed 5% less than fresh.  This was not popular!

“BREAD PROSECUTION. – Before the Bourne Bench on 19th Inst., John Henry Vaux, of Langtoft, was summoned for selling bread under 12 hours old at Langtoft on July 4th.  Mr. H. Kelham defended, and defendant pleaded not guilty, and denied selling a new loaf.  The Bench dismissed the case, the Chairman saying he would refrain from passing any comments which he felt very much inclined to do.”

Stamford Mercury, 27th July, 1917.


A Christmas Feast

One of many examples of a pre-Christmas advertisement.  This one is from a local butcher and features the image of an elegant family Christmas feast.

“Place your order now




for a perfect


Stamford Mercury, 5th December, 1947.



Never on Sunday

This old rhyme, resurrected in 1965, warns about cuttings one’s nails on a Sunday.   All the other days, bar Friday, seem preferable!

“Country customs have changed, and go on changing, but many of the ‘old wives’ ‘ tales still linger.  One I heard the other day refers to nail cutting, and goes like this:

‘Cut ’em on Monday, you cut ’em for health;

Cut ’em on Tuesday, you cut ’em for wealth;

Cut ’em on Wednesday, you cut ’em for news;

Cut ’em on Thursday, a new pair of shoes;

Cut ’em on Friday, you cut ’em for sorrow;

Cut ’em on Saturday, you’ll see true love tomorrow;

Cut ’em on Sunday, and you’ll have the devil with you all week.'”

Stamford Mercury, 29th October, 1965.

The Burghley Elephant

Traction engines were a fairly new innovation in the 1860s and the Marquis of Exeter was keen to keep up to date by having his own built, nicknamed the Burghley Elephant, but with unfortunate results.

“The ponderous traction engine, built by Messrs. Ashby and Jeffery, of Stamford, for the Marquis of Exeter, for the purpose of drawing heavy loads, and facetiously called the ‘Burghley Elephant’, has not behaved in a very tractable manner on its first appearance in public.  On Tuesday it was used for the first time for fetching coal from the Midland station-yard, and its first freak on entering the yard was partly to displace a large stack of coal.  With a great amount of management or mismanagement, backing &c., however, it steamed out of the yard with a little over four tons of coal behind it, in something between a railway truck and a stone waggon, without further mischief.  It proceeded all right then until it got near Miss Robertson’s, coach builder, where it again became unmanageable, and ran over a man and a vehicle standing in front of Miss Robertson’s shop : the latter was completely smashed, and the man, we are informed, received considerable injury.  It had a pilot in advance.”

Stamford Mercury, 20th September, 1867.

Not yet in harness

Was harness maker Fred Gardner out on his stag night or purloining poultry?

“A Wedding Postponed. – Fred. Gardner, harness -maker, is in custody at Stamford on a charge of stealing five fowls, the property of Mr T. Croshaw, of the Bull and Swan inn, St. Martin’s.  The alleged robbery took place on Wednesday night last, and the accused was to have been married next morning.”

Stamford Mercury,  20th September, 1867.

Fecundity in Dublin

A sad little story at first glance, but one that goes on to reveal the incredible family of Thomas Bentley, living near Dublin.

“BIRTH.]  Lately, at Drumcondra, near Dublin, the wife of Thomas Bentley, of a son, who died the next day.  This man is now in the 103rd year of his age, and attends the Dublin markets weekly with vegetables from his garden; his eldest son is 76 years of age, and his youngest in its fourth year.”

Stamford Mercury 16th October, 1807.


George Inn, Stamford

The George was known as an ‘Inn’ in 1815, despite being used by the first families of Great Britain.  It contained many rooms, extensive stables and a large farm.  Mr Adams is sure to ask that any applications by letter be postage-paid!

“THE Public are respectfully informed, that the Business and Posting of this Inn continue to be carried on as usual.   Stamford, 17th May, 1815.

To be LET, and entered upon immediately,

All the above well-known, long-established, and excellent INN, called the GEORGE, in St. MARTIN’S, STAMFORD BARON, in the county of Northampton, late in the occupation of Mr. Fawcit; comprising 10 sitting-rooms, 38 bed-rooms, spacious kitchen, bar, laundry, larder, and most extensive Out-houses of every description, Stabling for 86 horses, and large Garden.

These premises have two entrances, are  most conveniently and agreeably situated near the Bridge in Stamford, upon the Great North Road from London, and possess all the advantages that can possibly belong to a large inn, which has for a great number of years been resorted to by the first families in the kingdom.

Seventeen pair of horses in capital condition are daily employed in the above concern.

Also a most desirable Farm, containing 267 Acres of valuable Land, in the highest state of cultivation, of which 17 Acres are pasture, immediately adjoining the house, and the reminder is about a mile distant, with Farm-house, Barn, Stabling, Hovels, and every convenience for occupation.

The incoming tenant will also have the advantage of taking the Stock in Trade and Effects at a fair valuation, if he thinks proper.

An opportunity equal to the above seldom occurs, as this is without question one of the first situations of the kind in Great Britain. – The Great North Road branches from Stamford to Oakham, Melton, Uppingham, Leicester, Deeping, Boston, Bourn, Lincoln, Peterboro’, Kettering, and Oundle.

Apply to Mr. Adams, Burghley House, near Stamford; and if by letter, pay the postage.”

Stamford Mercury, 14th July, 1815.

The Schoolmaster’s Companion

This article is the teachers’ and students’ guide to arithmetic, providing help for professions such as carpenters, brick layers and thatchers.

“This Day is published, price 2s, neatly bound,











Containing the first Principles of ARITHMETIC, with plain and concise Directions to work the Rules of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Reduction, The Rule of Three, Practice, Interest, Rebate or Discount, Fellowship or Partnership, Alligation, Progression, Vulgar and Decimal Fractions, Extraction and Use of the Square and Cube Roots.


PRACTICAL QUESTIONS, to exercise the Scholar in all the foregoing Rules, each Question having the Answer inserted, in order to save the Master or Tutor a great Deal of Time and Labour, and help the Scholar forward in his Progress in the practical Part of ARITHMETIC.

Also RULES for performing CROSS MULTIPLICATION, with the Application to actual Practice in measuring CARPENTERS, JOINERS, PAVIERS, THATCHERS, and BRICKLAYERS Work, and the Manner of gauging Coolers, Cisterns, and Casks in Wine Gallons, Ale Gallons, and Malt Bushels, both by the Pen and Sliding Rule.

Part II

Comprehending a short and simple SKETCH of BOOK-KEEPING, by way of COMMON DEBTOR and CREDITOR, by which ACCOMPTS may be kept with great Ease and Exactness. The Whole digested in such a Manner as to render it not only useful in almost every Branch of Life and Business, but very entertaining.




Corrected, improved, and greatly enlarged, by H. MARSHALL, Writing Master and Accomptant.  Recommended by several of the most eminent Schoolmasters and expert Arithmeticians in the Kingdom.

London: Printed for S. CROWDER, in Pater-noster-Row; And fold by R. Newcomb, Stamford; W. Brooke, John Drury, and Joshua Drewry, Lincoln; Preston, Boston; Allen, Grantham; Albin, and Jennings, Spalding; Marsh, and Sheardown, Louth; Ellis, Horncastle; Taylor, Retford; Horden, and Jacob, Peterborough; Booth, Caistor; Allin and Ridge, and Tomlinson, Newark; Marshall, Lynn; Brown, Hull; Brown, Alford; Plummer, and Sanderson, Doncaster; Scott, Brigg; Harrod, Harborough; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; and by all Booksellers in Town and Country, with good Allowances to Schools.

To the PUBLIC.

This Companion having received the Approbation of many of the most eminent Teachers in the Kingdom, through Three very large Impressions, the proprietors presume to hope, that this, the Fourth Edition of it, will be found still more deserving their Encouragement than any of the preceding Ones, and consequently that it will be preferred to every Work of the Kind by all Masters of Academics and Schools, and likewise by private Students. The utmost Care has been taken in the Correction of every Part of it; and with regard to Typographical Execution, it is pronounced, by good judges, to be inferior to no modern School-Book, and indeed to be superior to most.”

Stamford Mercury, 2nd May 1788.