
Wife-selling in the 18/19th centuries, continued

Three further articles in our occasional series on the UK custom of wife-selling during the 18th and 19th centuries.

“On Tuesday se’nnight a fellow at Clipsham, in Rutland, publicly sold his wife, and a child about 7 months old, to a person living at Clipsham Quarries, for the sum of 10l. 5s.–The money was paid down, and the woman delivered to the purchaser in a halter.–It was the general opinion of the lookers on, that halters for two other persons were wanted, to make the bargain as binding as it should be.”

Stamford Mercury, 9 October 1818.


“Last Tuesday a Staymaker in Little Moorfields sold his wife, to whom he had been married several Years, to a Winedrawer near the said Place, and the same Day was married to a young Woman in the Neighbourhood.”

Stamford Mercury, 29th May, 1746.

“On Saturday morning last, one of the labouring bankers employed near Boston went to the market accompanied by his wife, for the purpose of disposing of her to the best bidder. According to the usual custom, he purchased a new halter, for which he gave 6d., and having tied it round his wife’s neck, he paraded her along the street, the impudent hussey being nothing loth to this public display of her attractions. A purchaser soon appeared, who bid eighteen-pence ! for the woman and the rope, and he and her husband soon came to terms. A bargain was struck, and the shameless parties retired, amid the jeers of the assembled crowd, to a public-house, where the money was spent, and the former owner of the woman drank to the luck of the purchaser, and the jade declared she was quite satisfied with the transfer, for she had ‘got the lad she loved !'”

Stamford Mercury, 26th June 1829.

Child Chimney-Sweepers

In the late 16th century, children from poor families were assigned as apprentice chimney-sweepers to help cure large numbers of unemployment in the city. However, the article below details one of many instances where children were kidnapped from their families in order to climb and clean complicated chimney flues. Not only did these children have to overcome the suffocating, pitch-black, claustrophobic conditions of the flue, but some were forced to work more quickly by their master lighting a fire at the bottom of the chimney!

“A chimney-sweeper, named James Wilkes, travelled down from Lincoln in one of the steam-packets to Boston on Thursday the 18th inst., accompanied by an interesting-looking boy, about six years old. This child he took care should be in his sight as much as possible during the voyage; but, notwithstanding his caution, the boy availed himself of an opportunity to communicate something to one of the passengers, which induced that person to watch where the fellow took the child, and afterwards having procured the aid of a police-officer, they searched the premises, and rescued the unfortunate boy from the clutches of Wilkes, whose obvious intention was to make him labour in climbing chimneys. It is supposed that the parents reside in Yorkshire, and it may be imagined how intense must have been the agony they have endured since their child was missed. On Friday, Wilkes was examined before the Magistrates of Boston, and remanded for further examination, to give time for due enquiry into the circumstances of the case.”

Stamford Mercury, 26 June 1829.

Well, Well, Well

Have you ever considered paying somebody to say what was well about you? Upon her death, a woman who lived in Clerkenwell requested just that. The hired preacher set a date and wrote the sermon. However, what he said during her funeral differed slightly from what the deceased had originally requested…

” A WICKED WOMAN.- In the licentious days of King Charles II. lived a woman of the name of Creswell, who kept a house of ill-fame, to which resorted Lord Rochester, and many other libertines. This wretch at length was seized by death, when she desired, by will, to have a sermon preached at her funeral, for which she ordered that the preacher should receive 10l.; but only on this express condition, that he was to say nothing but what was well of her. This was a quibbling age. A preacher was procured, not, it seems, without some difficulty; thus, then, he performed his office. His sermon had no reference whatever to her, it being on the general practice of morality; and he concluded with -“All I shall say of her, therefore, is as followeth;- She was born well, she lived well, and she died well; for she was born with the name of Cres-well, she lived in Clerken-well, and she died in Bride-well.””

Stamford Mercury, 31 October 1823.

No Arms? No Problem

You use your arms everyday. For brushing your teeth, combing your hair, getting dressed – but what if you were born without them? In nineteenth century Somerset, there lived an extraordinary man who not only made a living as a farmer, but also walked away victorious in a fight – without arms or shoulders!

PHENOMENON.- A London Paper says, “The following account of a most extraordinary phenomenon of Nature may be depended on for its authenticity :- In the village of Dicheat, four miles from Shepton Mallet, in Somersetshire, in the year 1765, a woman, of the name of Kingston, was delivered of a stout boy, without arms or shoulders. This singular man is probably still alive; he was living, to the writer’s knowledge, six years ago. He possesses, without the usual appendages of arms, all the strength, power and dexterity, of the ablest and most regular-made men, and exercises every function of life. He feeds, dresses, and undresses himself, combs his own hair, shaves his beard with the razor in his toes, cleans his shoes, lights his fire, writes out his own bills and accounts, and does almost every other domestic business. Being a farmer by occupation, he performs the usual business of the field, fodders his cattle, makes his ricks, cuts his hay, catches his horse, and saddles and bridles him with his feet and toes. He can lift ten pecks of beans with his teeth; with his feet he throws a large sledge hammer farther than any other man can with his arms; and he has fought a stout battle, and come off victorious. These facts are notorious in most parts of Somersetshire.”

Stamford Mercury, 3 September, 1819.

Buy British this Christmas!

In a new age of technology it seems you can buy just about anything from anywhere. Gone are the days of buying local and hello worldwide shipping! With so much available to us at the click of a button, it’s easy to forget those independent businesses on our doorsteps. The kind of places where you’re greeted with a smile, a hello, and most importantly the kind that help build a community. During the Christmas of 1915, an advertisement called for its readers to look no further than their own high street and shop local!


We should like to point out that now so many things are British Make you will help thousands of workers by buying your
Christmas Presents
as usual as far as you are able. 

We have a splendid range of BRITISH MADE GOODS,
including a Large and Special 
in a variety of shapes and leathers.
Our speciality this season is SUEDE BAGS, from 3/- to 15/-

Fancy Frames, Writing and Attache Cases. 
Fountain and Stylo Pens.– Waterman, Swan, Onoto, and many other well-known makes.
Waterman latest pattern Self-filling Pen- 12/6- a most useful present for a Soldier or a Sailor. A splendid Stylo at 1/6 & 2/6. A really good Self-filling Fountain Pen, with gold nib, 3/9. 
A New Work Attache Case, from 1/-. A distinct novelty.
Fern and Rose Bowls, from 1/- to 17/6. A splendid variety in Brass and China. 
A New and Delightful Present this year is a 
Cretonne Covered Box. We have a variety of these articles, including Blouse Boxes, Glove, Handkerchief, Tie, Stud, Trinket, Veil, and other Boxes, and Blotters, 6 1/2d., I/-, etc.


Our show of
is now well known. We have a splendid selection this season again, including Strang’s Annual, 3/6, Blackie’s Annual, 3/6, Red Book of the War, 2/6, Fighting with French, 3/6, Jolly Book, 2/6, Chummy Book, 2/6, etc.. etc. 


Fancy Stationers and Booksellers Stamford.”

Stamford and Rutland Guardian, 22nd December 1915. 

The Stamford Mercury Archive Trust would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

Buy British this Christmas

The Plum Pudding Scheme

Here comes the annual Christmas ritual involving that second (maybe even third) helping of turkey on the big day. It’s the time of year when we have an excuse to overindulge, to buy that second cheese board on offer in M&S, and generally accept the fact that our noses will be leading the way, shamelessly, to the nearest dessert trolley all season long. But in 1914, the citizens of Stamford were putting aside their own Christmas cravings, instead thinking of the rumbling tums of the troops in the trenches… 


Miss Richardson will be grateful for a little help to conclude the work of providing the local men serving with the colours with Christmas puddings. The 900 puddings are now ready, but £8 or more will be needed for the postage of the same. About 60 parcels, separately packed, will be sent to the front, besides those dispatched to the different towns in England. On each pudding a label bearing the solider’s name and number will be placed, and a small label on the pudding basin will be inscribed : “With best wishes from Stamford.”” 

Their efforts appeared to be a success as, one year later, another mention was printed in the Stamford and Rutland Guardian – 


Successful Effort in Stamford.

The collection made in Stamford on Saturday in order to send plum puddings to our soldiers and sailors resulted in £65 2s. 2d. being obtained. Small flags on which plum puddings were illustrated were sold in large quantities by well-known local ladies and wounded soliders from Lady Battie-Wrightson’s Hospital, the Infirmary, and Burghley House Hospital. The sale was admirably organised by Mrs. Stanley Brotherhood, of Thornhaugh.”

Excerpt 1: Stamford and Rutland Guardian, 5th December 1914.
Excerpt 2: Stamford and Rutland Guardian, 1st December 1915.

Woollen Ammunition

With Christmas fast approaching, it is hell on the high streets as we shop til we drop for all those festive gifts. In 1914, however, it was likely that you’d be searching for a present that was a little more practical. With loved ones battling more than one enemy in the trenches, this December advertisement during the First World War calls for ‘Woollen Ammunition’ to be sent to our troops in the chilly climates overseas!


Don’t Forget the Man Behind the Gun. 

Send him a Gift he will appreciate. 

Something Useful, Serviceable. 

Send him Woollen Ammunition to Fight the Cold. 

HAVE YOU THOUGHT of what the approach of winter means to our troops?

IT MEANS another enemy to face, one which can be best fought with warm, knitted goods-Socks, Scarves, and Sleeping Helmets. What better gift then for your solider friend than one or more of these Seasonable Articles, keenly priced, but worth their weight in gold to the man behind the gun. It is not too early to send; there is snow in France today. SEND NOW.

CARDIGAN JACKETS, 4/6, 6/6, 8/6.
ARMY MARCHING SOCKS, 1/-, 1/3, 1/6, 1/9.
BALACLAVA SLEEPING HELMETS, in Khaki, also Navy, 1/9, 2/6.
FLEECY WOOL SCARVES, 2/6, 2/11, 3/11.
WOVEN BODY BELTS, 2-/, 2/6, 2/11.
CAP COMFORTERS, 1/0 1/2, 1/9, 2/6.
WOOL MITTS, Heather Mixture, 10 1/2d. PAIR OR 10/3 PER DOZEN. 
KHAKI WOOL MITTS, 1/6 & 1/9.

Stamford and Rutland Guardian, 5th December 1914. 

(You read it right, the Stamford Mercury Archive Trust holds many other newspaper titles other than the Stamford Mercury – many of which were rival publications! Visit our website if you want to know more.)

How Not to Murder Your Wife

While some men resorted to selling their unwanted wives, as reported in previous Mercuriosities posts, one man turned to a somewhat more gruesome, if unsuccessful, method of separation.


Edinburgh, Sept. 2.  In a town at some distance from this city a few days ago, a man who had been many years married, it should appear, had conceived some dislike at his wife, and had planned the design of getting rid of her.  The method he took was uncommon :  While asleep, he put a noose over her neck, and pulled her up to the ceiling, where he kept her hanging for a long time, that he made no doubt of her death.  He then put her into the bed where she had been before, left her, and went to alarm the neighbourhood with the story of his wife’s being in a fit, and expiring.  The neighbours immediately came to his assistance ; but to his amazement and mortification, in place of finding his wife dead, he found her alive, and able to tell distinctly, to all around, the story of his wickedness.  The man was committed to prison.”

Stamford Mercury, 12th September 1765.

Piggy Back Over the Liffey Toll Bridge

In 1818 a replacement toll bridge was opened over the River Liffey in Dublin.  A couple of years earlier while the new bridge was under construction, tolls were still collected for use of the temporary bridge.  A halfpenny was well beyond the means of one traveller.

“AN EMBARRASSMENT REMOVED.–A Dublin paper says–‘A few days ago, a poor man expressed a wish that he had one halfpenny to pay the toll for passing the temporary foot bridge, opposite Church-street.  A young lad (who appeared about 16 or 17 years of age) hearing the poor man’s lamentation, and having but one halfpenny to pay for himself, enquired of the toll collector if a person carrying a load over the bridge paid no more than if he had none.  He was answered in the negative.  The boy then took the poor man on his back and passed over the bridge, to the great admiration of all who witnessed the transaction.'”

Stamford Mercury, 30 August 1816.

Turtle Soup, Anyone?

No longer stocked in Morrisons today, turtle soup! No banquet complete without it, turtle soup was an exotic delicacy brought back from sailing expeditions. If they weren’t being gobbled up at sea, turtle quickly ended up on the tables of royalty – making it sought after, and expensive, produce by the masses.


BUSHBY has the honor to announce, that he has received a fresh supply of MORRISON’s Patent Preserved Portable TURTLE, sent in jars to any part of the kingdom, and warranted to retain its qualities for years. The turtle in these jars consists of the prime parts of the fish, killed in the West Indies when in the highest health and condition, and will be found to excel, in richness and flavor, the produce of the half-starved, diseased animal, hitherto used in this country after a voyage of several months. To families residing in the country, as affording, at almost instant notice, a dish of the most exquisite and esteemed soup known.

Certificates of its excellence from personages of the highest distinction may be seen, but a single trial is requested in preference, as more certain of insuring general approbation. To be had dressed or undressed, at the rate of 5s. per pint for the former, and 7s.6d, per pint for the latter; which last affords three times its own quantity of the former. For the convenience of families when professed cooks are not kept, an approved recipe will be given.

J.B. also takes this opportunity to express his thanks to his friends for the favors conferred, and begs to recommend to their attention his superb stock of China and Glass, Toilet and Cabinet Ornaments, &c., elegantly designed and finely executed, which will be ready for inspection at the approaching fair, at considerably reduced prices.”

Stamford Mercury, 7 March 1823.