
‘Tis the Custom

Everywhere seems to have its own Christmas custom the origins of which go back into the mists of time. Here are two of them.

“There is at Queen’s College, Oxford, a custom observed on every Christmas-day of decorating a boar’s head with holly, &c., and carrying it into the hall in procession, accompanied with the singing of an ancient song. On this occasion the public are admitted to view the ceremony, and the hall presents an animated appearance. There is a tradition as to the origin of this custom, which is, that as a member of Queen’s college was walking in Shotover Forest, reading Artistotle, he was attacked by a wild boar: the youth with great composure and resolution thrust the volume into the animal’s throat and choaked him, crying out at the same time ‘Graecum est.’* Another custom at this college is, that the Bursar on New-year’s-day present each member with a needle and thread, addressing to him these words, ‘Take this to be thrifty.'”

The Stamford Mercury, 28th December, 1838.

*It’s greek to me.


“The inhabitants of the small but important village of Rothwell, near Caistor, have at this very interesting season, according to ancient custome, provided their families with a large bacon pig, weighing from 20 to 40 stones: in about five days, 170 stones of these animals have ornamented their larders, and at this time a profusion of pork and mince pies, sausages, spareribs, &c., are generously bestowed among their bairns and ‘auld acquaintance,’ with a good ‘pint soup’, to wash all down. We are glad to record these good doings, and the hospitality of the inhabitants, as a set-off against the complaining in our streets about the price of flour, and the probability of a war with Russia; and to show that, in the good old town of Rothwell, an example is afforded to all persons of industry and contentedness, which it is hoped will induce others to be alike happy in themselves and pleased with one another.”

The Stamford Mercury, 28th December, 1838.

School Christmas

The Bluecoat School had a new master who proved to be a excellent choice. (It sounds as though the previous master had not been!) Notice that ‘children’ meant ‘boys’! It was not until the Education Actof 1870 that it became a requirement for both girls and boys to receive an elementary education.

“An examination of the children in the Bluecoat School of Stamford took place at the new school room on Saturday last, and was attended by the Trustees of Charities, and by several ladies and gentlemen of the town, all of whom were highly delighted, and even astonished, at the progress made by the boys in reading, writing, arithmetic, and geography, in the three months that they have been under the tuition of Mr. Green, the new master. The warmest encomiums* were passed on that gentlemen, and all acknowledged that a fitter person for the situation could not possibly have been found. On Christmas-day the boys, in their new cloathing#, attended divine service at St. Michael’s church, where the neatness of their appearance and their orderly behaviour excited general notice and approbation. Afterwards they were regaled with an excellent dinner at the school, and sang the national anthem and appropriate hymns in a style which delighted a numerous party of visitors who had been attracted by the high reputation of the school. The change in the management is proved to be one of the greatest blessings that ever occurred to the town; and the advantage is likely to be greatly extended, as the Charity Trustees propose to nearly double the number of scholars in the ensuing half-year.”

The Stamford Mercury, 28th December, 1838.

*A speech or letter praising someone or thing highly.

#Their coats were blue – a colour denoting charity.

Lincolnshire Stuff Ball

The Lincolnshire Stuff Ball was initiated to encourage and promote the local manufactory and industry of the fabric known as Lincolnshire Stuff, which was made from the wool of Lincolnshire Longwool sheep, an important breed in the county. The rules for the balls stipulated that only Lincolnshire Stuff made from Lincolnshire wool that had been manufactured and dyed in the county could be worn, except gentlemen could wear silk stockings.  The first ball was held in 1785 at The Windmill Inn, Alford, Lincolnshire. By the end of the decade, owing to its popularity, it had moved to the County Assembly Rooms in Lincoln, but by the end of the nineteenth century the rules regarding wearing Lincolnshire Stuff had been abandoned in favour of much lighter fabrics, such as muslin. During the 20th century the tradition gradually lapsed.

THE ANNUAL BALL and SUPPER will be held, in the COUNTY-ROOMS at LINCOLN, on TUESDAY the 28th OCTOBER, 1828.
Lady Patroness, Mrs. BOUCHERETT.

Tickets, 10s. 6d. each may be had of Mr. DRURY, Post-office, Lincoln ; or from Mr. J. GRESHAM, opposite the White Hart Inn, Lincoln ; and it is particularly requested that they may be previously procured, in order to facilitate the entrance of the company.

Ladies are not expected to appear in Stuff as formerly : they are requested by the Patroness to adopt Ponceau as the prevailing colour in the Dress and Trimmings.–A specimen of the exact colour may be seen at Mrs. TURNER’S, milliner, High-street, Lincoln.

Lincolnshire Stuff Ball

Our readers will perceive by advertisements in another page, that the Stuff Ball is fixed for the 28th inst. This annual meeting may be considered as the only full assemblage of the rank and fashion of the county, and is usually attended by many families of distinction from the neighbouring counties. The use of the stuff is now avowedly discontinued : it was latterly very little worn, and was never of the smallest effect towards its ostensible purpose. The ball in its present form, has become a species of fancy ball, and is in its effect highly pleasing, the colour fixed upon appearing under every variety of dress, material, and ornament ; some adopting the entire dress, and others using it only in the trimmings. The colour of the present year is, we understand, a kind of rich geranium scarlet, the exact shade of which may be ascertained, if thought necessary.”

Stamford Mercury, 10th October 1828.

Diversion in Stamford

In 1828 the plan for the diversion of the Great North Road in Stamford, so as to avoid the narrow bridge, steep hill and sharp turns, was considered an excellent idea by some. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately!), it was never carried out – some things don’t change. Eventually the Stamford bypass was constructed.

‘At a meeting of the Commissioners of the South division of the road between Stamford and Grantham, in this town on the 18th inst., some discussion arose on the best means of remedying the present dangers and defects of the road through Stamford. It was strongly recommended that the road should enter St. Martin’s, from the south, a few yards West of the present street ; pass at the back of the George Inn, over a new bridge there, and over a second bridge (in the situation of the present Lamb’s bridge), to the sheep market ; and that from that point the road should be continued straight forward, through premises which now form the Millstone public-house, into the line of the present road at All Saints’ Church. This excellent plan would completely obviate all the objections made to the narrow bridge, steep hill, and sudden turns of the road as it now exists, and it is calculated that the whole improvement might be made for 5000l.’

The Stamford Mercury, 26th December, 1828.

Wedding presents

Wedding presents originated in Wales? This article suggests that giving presents to the bride and groom before their marriage started in Wales.

‘CUSTOM OF WALES.–Marriage Portion.– The following curious document, among others, was circulated lately in the town of Carmarthen, South Wales. It appears to be a very ancient, praiseworthy, and laudable custom among some of the inhabitants of that part of the principality, by way of assisting young married people on their wedding-day, to purchase a few necessary articles to commence housekeeping, &c. —

“Carmarthen, Aug. 19, 1828.

“We beg leave respectfully to acquaint you, that it is our intention to enter the matrimonial state, on Tuesday the 23rd of September next ; and from the encouragement we have received, by the kind promises of our friends, we propose making a bidding on the occasion, which will be held the same day, at the Old White Lion, in Queen-street, where we hope to have the pleasure of your company and influence ; and whatever favours you may then think proper to confer on us, will be gratefully acknowledged, and repaid with thanks whenever required on a similar occasion, by your humble servants,

"Dennis Woods, currier. 
"Eugenia Vaughan, servant at the Ivy-bush Hotel."

“The young man’s father and mother (John and Anne Woods), his brother (John), and sisters (Jane and Anne), with James Powell, desire that all gifts of the above kind due to them, be returned to the young man on that day, and will be thankful for all favours granted. Likewise, the young woman’s mother (Elizabeth Vaughan), and her sister (Rebecca), and George Adams, of the Ivy Bush coach-office, with Anne his wife, request that all gifts of a like description due to them, may be repaid to the young woman on the above day, and will also feel thankful for any additional favours that may be conferred on her.”‘

Stamford Mercury, 21 November, 1828.

Theatre of Arts

Mr E. Wigelworth was clearly a theatrical man, to judge by the language of his advertisement for his Theatre of Arts. One wonders if Spalding appreciated the spectacular. A similar amusement by George Peck had been touring in Tasmania a few years earlier and this was based upon Thiodon’s Theatre of Fine Arts.

Never Exhibited in Spalding before!

By Permission, at the TOWN HALL, SPALDING.

Original Royal Mechanical and Pictureque THEATRE of ARTS, forming a Repository of Rational and Interesting Amusements.

E. WIGELSWORTH most respectfuly announces to the nobility, gentry, and the public in general of Spalding and its vicinity, that he has arrived with his splendid Theatre of Arts, which he will open on MONDAY next, MARCH 19th, and every Evening during the week. The Exhibition consists of beautiful representations of the most interesting parts of the World, in the varying aspects of light and shade, forming the most splendid and majestic Scenery that nature and art ever produced; the foreground and bridges will be enlivened with several thousand chaste figures, and by the power of mechanism display all the minor and more complicated muscular actions of animated nature. The whole to conclude with a faithful delineation of a Storm at Sea, with all its characteristic phenomena. – Doors to be opened at Half past Seven o’clock, and the Performance to commence at Eight. Front Seats 1s., Gallery 6d. – For particulars see handbills.”

The Stamford Mercury, 16th March, 1838.

Three Sisters

A gang of three shopliftering three sisters operated in Stamford on market days. There were many such gangs in London the victorian era. The fashion for long, voluminous skirts and cloaks made for easy concealment.

“Shocking cases of shop-lifting by three sisters, daughters of a man at Edithweston, and all married women, were investigated at the Town-hall in Stamford on Monday and Tuesday last, as noticed in another column of our paper. It seemed that the three women, residing in parishes several miles apart, have long been in the habit of meeting at Stamford on market days, and, dressed in large cloaks, going together to drapers’ shops, and stealing whatever articles they could secrete amongst them. They were all three in the shop of Mr. Knight in the afternoon of Friday, last, when one of them, named Webber, of Baston, was detected in stealing a roll of cotton print; and other stolen goods (as well belonging to Mr. Knight, as to Mr. Brown, draper) were found upon her. Her two sisters (Woods, or Collyweston, and Broughton, of Edithweston) escaped from the shop before the relationship was known, but joining Webber afterwards when she was in custody at the station-house, sufficient passed between them to authorise their detention also, and warrants were granted to search the houses of their husbands. At Baston and at Edithweston an immense quantity of drapery goods of all descriptions were found concealed under beds and in boxes. Woods, being far advanced in pregnancy, was allowed to go home on Friday evening before the search-warrant was executed at Collyweston, and nothing was afterwards found there; but from confession since made, in which each sister charges the others, it seems that all three were in the habit of partaking of the plunder, which in one instance consisted of a whole piece of linen cloth, containing 68 yards and weighing more more than 30 lbs! this they stole from the door of Mr. Brown, in the High-street, in the middle of a Friday. The practice was, after stealing goods, to go together to a public convenience under the market portico, and there to make a dividion of them, each sister taking a share, or selecting articles of most use to her. – The scene at the Town-hall on Tuesday night, when the women ascertained that each had separetly made a confession implicating the others, can hardly be conceived. Each attributed to the ill counsel of her sisters her own criminality, and one laid her melancholy situation to the want of care of her education and habits of a dissolute father! They were all committed to gaol, for trial at the quarter sessions in April. – Besides drapery goods, stolen shoes, ironmongery, and other articles were found on executing the search-warrants.”

The Stamford Mercury, 23rd February, 1838.


The trial of the three sisters was later reported and also another woman who stole from her employer.

“All the four women tried at Stamford sessions on Saturday last were sentenced to transportation. The three shop-lifting sisters, from Baston, Collyweston, and Edith Weston, were all married women, and one of them has a family of six children: there were 17 indictments against them. – Against Frances Elsom, for robbery at Mr. Lumby’s in St., Martin’s, where she lived as servant, there were four indictments: the plunder she has committed is supposed to be the extent of more that a thousand pounds! about half of which has been recovered by the representatives of Mrs. Holman. On the day before her trial, Elsom made an assignemnt of her property to a person at Stretton, in Rutland, on whgose premises some of the stolen articles were found secreted, when the chief-constable of Stamfor executed a search-warrant on Friday afternoon. The most melancholy proof arising from this trial is, of the facility with which the convict found persons to purchase and to conceal stolen property of all kinds.”

The Stamford Mercury, 13th April, 1838.

Child Abandoned

A child, abandoned in mysterious circumstances was, sadly, placed in the workhouse, despite having all the appearances of being well cared for.

“Rather Mysterious. – About three weeks back, a respectably-dressed female, having an infant child, who had been staying two days in March, was about to leave by the Wisbech mail at 6 o’clock on the Monday morning. As she was proceeding to the coach-office she met a woman going to her work, whom she requested to carry the infant and a small basket, and say the lady would be there in a few minutes. The woman, on arriving at Mr. Wiles’s residence, gave them to Miss Barket, who with her monther also resided in the house, and who has since been married to Mr. Wiles: she declined receiving the infant, and would not allow it to be taken into the house. The poor woman, therefore, not knowing what to do, and being compelled to attend to her work, left the infant outside Miss Barker’s door, where it lay smiling at the passers-by nearly an hour, until at last some of the neighbours took charge of it: it appeared to be about six months old, and was very healthy, clean, and handsomely dressed; the basket containing various changes of clothes, made in the best manner. After remaining with these good samaritans some days, and no tidings being heard of the unnatural parents, the poor infant was removed to the Union-house at Doddington, where its fine clothes were exchanged for the workhouse dress. It is needless to say that the supposed mother did not make her appearance, nor has she since been heard of – thought rumour, which is very busy in this case, fixes her residence near Stamford. Several humane persons in March would willingly have taken charge of the child, but the Magistrates advised it being taken to the Union, in order that, being chargeable to the parish, proceedings might be taken against the parents should they be discovered, as it is hoped the will be.”

The Stamford Mercury, 4th October, 1839.

Harper Twelvetrees

Harper Twelvetrees sold a wide variety of products to make a woman’s life easier in the 1860s. So thank heavens that nowadays we don’t have to scour, starch, mangle and wring.

“‘HARPER TWELVETREES’ Portable India Rubber CLOTHES WRINGER, price 20s. and 30s., can be fixed upon any tub or washing machine, and will wring three blankets or six sheets in a minute. Carriage free from the works, Bromley-by-Bow, London, E.

HARPER TWELVETREES’ Patent WASHING MACHINE will wash as many clothes in a few hours as a woman can wash in 2 days by the old method of hand rubbing. Price, with Rocking Frames, 21s., 45s , 55s , and 75s,; with Wringing and Mangling Apparatus combined 4l.10s., 5l.10s., and 7l. Carriage free to Railway Stations from the Works, Bromley-by-Bow, London, E.”

Stamford Mercury, 13 March, 1863.

Harper Twelvetrees

“HARPER TWELVETREES’ GLYCERINE SOAP POWDER has triumphantly won its way into every home. It saves one-half of soap, two-thirds of time, and three-fourths of labour. A Penny Packet will make a Pound of capital Scouring Soap, possessing remarkable saponaceous and detergent qualities.

Patentee, Harper Twelvetrees, Bromley-by-Bow, Manufacturer of Washing Machines, Wringers, Mangles, and other Domestic Machines.

The luxury of Starching with BRIGGS’ AUSTRALIAN SATIN-GLAZE STARCH, which may be bought where you purchase Harper Twelvetrees’ Soap Powder. One Pound is equal to nearly Two Pounds of any other, and will make 16 Pints of strong Starch Fluid. Sold by Grocers and Druggists.–Wholesale Agent, Harper Twelvetrees, Bromley-by-Bow, London, E.”

Stamford Mercury, 6 February, 1863.

Norfolk Island

Norfolk Island today is a tourist destination, where immigration is strictly controlled. In the past, to be transported there was considered a punishment worse than death. The island’s population includes the descendants of mutineers from the HMS Bounty who were transferred from Pitcairn Island in 1856. You may rememer the various films of this event: 1935 – starring Clark Gable and Charles Laughton (winner of the Best Picture oscar), 1962 – with Marlon Brando and Trevor Howard ( a critical and financial disaster) and 1984 (the most accurate) – Mel Gibson and Anthony Hopkins.

‘It is known to but few, that persons who are transported a second time are sent to Norfolk Island, a place about 1200 miles distant from the place usually assigned. This punishment is looked upon by many as worse than death–perpetual labour, without the possibility of redemption, is the lot of the convict. The impossibility of escape may be guessed at, from the fact, that no vessel can approach the island, except in two months in the course of the year, and there is but one way of access, which is defended by an armed force, and which Nature herself seems to have applied as her protection to society against those who deserve to be cast out of it.’

Stamford Mercury, 21 November, 1828.