
Dutch Fishermen

“These Dutch fishermen wanted to leave Holland, which thanks to Napoleon was at this time no longer an independent state, but part of the French Empire, and suffering economic troubles as a result of the Continental Blockade. Their motives in wanting to settle in Britain might not have been as honest as this article suggests, as we now know that they were involved in the illicit transport of goods and passengers between this country and theirs.

Upwards of eight hundred Dutch Fishermen have recently made application to the British Government to be taken under its protection, and have solicited to be allowed to settle on some part of the eastern coast of Scotland.  The situation of these poor men is truly pitiable, the unsettled state of the Continent having deprived them, for a long time past, of the means of pursuing their peaceful occupations with either safety or success.  We are glad to learn that Government are now devising measures for procuring a permanent settlement for these useful and industrious people on some part of that coast; and it is understood that the late visit of the Governors of the Merchant Maiden Hospital of Edinburgh to the town of Peterhead was connected with this object.  To any one acquainted with the inoffensive disposition and frugal industrious habits of the Dutch fishermen, it is needless to point out the incalculable advantages which such an acquisition will be to that quarter of the island.  They are infinitely better acquainted with the fishing banks and stations upon the coast than our own fishermen, and the patient labor and economy with which they pursue their occupation, must render them valuable members of any community.  The great body of these fishermen have already arrived at Heligoland, and many others on various parts of the Dutch coast are prepared to follow their example.”

The Stamford Mercury, 16th August, 1811.

Coronation Celebrations

Having just experienced the procession and pomp of King Charles III’s coronation, it is interesting to find out how Stamford celebrated that of his great, great, great grandmother.

“The Queen’s coronation was celebrated yesterday in Stamford with the utmost loyalty, and with the happiest effect. One of the best and most numerous processions ever seen in the town was marshalled by 12 o’clock, when it started from the Town-hall, as follows:-

Two Trumpeters on Horseback – Two Policemen – Purple Flag (given by the Ladies for the occasion) – Tradesmen’s Loyal and Independent Society, with their respective colours and full accompaniments – Loyal and Independent Lodge of Odd Fellows, No. 6, with their respective colours and accompaniments – Boys of the different Charity and Sunday Schools, six abreast – White Flag – Girls of the different Chariy and Sunday Schools, six abreast – White Flag (given by the Ladies for the occasion) – Band – Military – Crier with Staff of Office – Beadle with Bill of Office – Sergeants at Mace (bearing Maces) – The Mayor and his Chaplain – Magistrates – Aldermen – Town Clerk – Town councillors – Clergy in their Gowns – Gentlemen and Inihabitants of the Town, six abreast.

In the delightful weather, amidst the music of the bank and the ringing of bells, the procession passed through all the principal streets of Stamford and St. Martin’s, occasionally halting to give cheers. The procession itself was half a mile long; and every where cheerful countenances indicated the satisfaction that was felt, and the sincereity with which all hailed the great occasion as one calculated to ensure and to perpetuate the liberties and the happiness of the nation. – About two o’clock, 1000 children of the different charity schools sat down to a dinner of roast beef and plum pudding, comfortably set out in the several stalls of the butchery, which were fitted up for the occasion: the scene was one of unalloyed enjoyment. In addition to this, 400 poor men and wqomen, 60 years of age, received each 1s. with which to regale themselves; and 1000 other poor men and women received tickets, entitling each to obtain at the public-houses sixpennyworth of beer. The gentry and tradesmen of the town dined in parties at the different inns, and the whole day passed off with the highest conviviality, and with uninterrupted satisfaction.”

The Stamford Mercury, 28th June, 1838.

Tatooed Convict

This tatooed convict would be easily recognizable if he were caught. His name appears on the Nottingham census in 1851, so maybe he wasn’t!

“A “MARKED” MAN. -The following minute and curious description of an escaped convict appears in the Police Gazette:- “William Mellors, a convict belonging to the Ganymede hulk at Woolwich, escaped on the 5th inst., while at labour in the dock-yard. He was convicted at Nottingham, on the 29th of June, 1838, of stealing a cock-fowl, and sentenced to seven years’ transportation; he has been in the house of correction, and in prison for felony. He is five feet four inches high, dark brown hair, grey eyes, full nose, common mouth, oval visage, stout made, dark complexion, 32 years of age; is single, can read and write, has a scar on the left eye, one on the top of his nose, sundry brawn blotches on the back, tatooed on the right arm – sun, moon, and seven stars, a woman with a skipping-rope and C.B., mermaid, a flower-pot with flowers, gun and carriage, stripe with three shots in it – rings on middle and fore fingers of right hand; tatooed left arm – a woman’s head, two pipes across, a foul anchor wrong side up, J.M., C.B., B.O.L.E.S. † A.N.N., a woman, MELLORS †, daughter O.F. W.M. † ;- rings on middle and fore fingers of left hand; a stag on breast-bone, a man with his hand in his pocket and a glass in his hand, a dog underneath, a woman with parasol and reticule, cat underneath, a gate on of the back, a dog on left side, and scar on right shin bone.”

The Stamford Mercury 16th November, 1838.

Boys playing with fire

Boys are more likely to start fires than girls. In 1863 two young boys playing with matches burnt down two cottages, one of which belonged to them, a clover stack and two strawstacks. Despite two families losing their homes the writer of this article believed that “the damage will not be very considerable”.

On Tuesday afternoon last a fire broke out in a stack-yard belonging to Mr.Waterfield, near the Empingham-road, which ended in the destruction of two straw-stacks, two small thatched cottages, and a portion of a clover stack in an adjoining yard, the property of Mr. W. Scholes. The fire originated, like many others of late, in children playing with matches incautiously left in their way. A little boy, about six years of age, named Hough, whose parents resided in one of the tenements burnt down, during the temporary absence of the person who had charge of the children, took some matches and went with another little fellow into the stack-yard to play : he struck one of the matches, and the flame caught the stacks, which in a very short time were all in a blaze. The conflagration rapidly spread, and communicated with the thatched roof of the cottages and the stack in the adjoining yard. The moment the fire was discovered, the fire-engines were sent for, but when they arrived there was some delay in procuring water. The consequence was that the stacks were consumed and the cottages almost gutted before the engines could be got to work, and all that could be done was to prevent some adjoining houses taking fire from the excessive heat. Had the wind blown from the opposite quarter, a great destruction of property must have been the consequence ; fortunately, as it is, the damage will not be very considerable.’

Stamford Mercury, 27 March, 1863.

Chimney Sweeping

Extract from 3 and 4 Victoria, Cap. 85, being an Act for the regulation of Chimney Sweepers and Chinmneys:-

Chimney sweeps were using children as young as four to go up and clean chimneys or dislodge brushes which had become stuck. This Act was intended to bring an end to that practice, but it was not until a further Act in 1862, that the sweeps were finally stopped from using children at all (including their own).

And it being enacted that, from and after the 1st day of July in the year 1842, any person who shall complet of knowqingly allow any child ir young person under the age of 21 years to ascend or descend a chimney, or enter a flue, for the purpose of sweeping, cleaning, or coring the same, or for extinguishing fire therein, shall be liable to a penalty of not more than 10l. nor less than 5l.

That from and after the passing of this Act, it shall not be lawful to apprentice to any person ising the trade or business of a shimney-sweeper any child under the age of 16 years and that every indenture of such apprenticeship which may be entered into after such date shall be null and void.

That from and after the 1st day of July, 1842, all existing indentures of apprenticeship to the trade or business of a shimney-sweeper of any child who shall then be under the age of 16 years shall be null and void.

And whereas it is expedient, for the better security from accidents by fire or otherwise, the improved construction of chimnieys and flues provided by the said Act be cintinued; be it enacted, that all withs and partitrions between any chimney or flue which at any time after the passing of this Act shall be built or rebuilt shall be of brick or stone, an at least equal to half a brick in thickness; and every breast-back and with or partition of any chimney or flue hereafter to be built or rebuilt shall be built of sound materials, and the joints of the work well filled in with good mortar or cement, and rendered or stuccoed within; and also that any chimney or flue hereafter to be built or rebuilt in any wall, or of greater length than four feet out of the wall, not being a circular chimney or flue twelve inches in diameeter, shall be in every section of the same not less than 14 inches by 9 inches; and no chimney or flue shall be constructed with any angle thering which shall be less obtuse than an angle of 120 degrees, except as is hereinafter excepted; and every salient or projecting angle in any chimney or flue shall be rounded off four inches at least, upon pain of forfeiture, by every master-builder or other master0workman who shall make eor cause to be made such chimneyt or flue, of any sum not less that 10l. nor exceeding 50l. – Provided nevertheless, tha notwithstanding this Act chimenys or flues may be built at angles with each other of 90 degrees and more, such chimneys or flues having therein proper doors of openings not less than six inches square.

The Stamford Mercury, 18th February, 1842.

Arrested for polygamy, continued

Polygamy is an old story and one we have brought to your attention before. In our previous article, dated 1829, the woman’s punishment for having six husbands was seven years’ transportation for each offence; this lucky man received only one term of seven years’ transportation for having 3-5 wives. Perhaps they met each other in Australia.

‘The Bury Post says that,

“In passing sentence upon Thomas Peacock, found guilty of marrying Sarah Steed, spinster, at Lavenham, in 1805 ; Mary Green, widow, at Postwick, in 1824, and Mary Harnton, spinster, at Elmswell, about seven years ago, all of whom are still living, the facetious Judge addressed the prisoner, whose countenance was far from intelligent, and who was dressed like the inmate of a workhouse, in nearly the following terms :–

“Prisoner, you have been found guilty of having three wives at one time, and unless I send you out of the country, you are such a terrible fellow, that it is to be feared you will literally make a conquest of all the ladies that come in your way. Not being contented with one or even two wives, your attractions were so irresistible, that the last lady (a poor decrepit old woman) that appeared in the box against you, was unable to withstand your solicitations, although it was evident she had arrived at that age when no common charms would have been successful. But to be serious, you have been guilty of a most heinous offence, against the laws of both God and man, and it is my duty to pass upon you such a sentence as will prevent you again putting into execution in this country at any rate, for some years, such nefarious practices. For the preservation, therefore, of the ladies here, whose hearts you appear by your fascinating qualifications easily to win, and to prevent the ladies by whom I am surrounded from falling a sacrifice to a person of such agreeable and attractive manners, the sentence of the court is that you be transported to such place as his Majesty, by the advice of his Privy Council, shall direct, for the term of seven years.” The above humorous manner of passing a sentence certainly had the effect of moving the risible muscles of every body in the court except the prisoner, particularly among the fair sex, who at the time were very numerous ; but we must nevertheless express our surprise that an offence of so dangerous a tendency as polygamy should be held up to ridicule from so high a station, and upon such a serious occasion as the passing of sentence of transportation by an English Judge in a Court of Justice. The prisoner himself seems to have been so little impressed with the criminality of his conduct, as to have observed very coolly as he went down, that he had two other wives in Yorkshire, but he dare say they know nothing about his apprehension.’

Stamford Mercury, 11th April, 1828.

Dr. Steers’ Chemical Opodeldoc

A quack doctor‘s remedy for everything from bruises and chilblains to gout and ricketts. You can’t go wrong with Opodeldoc; you can use it on horses too.

'Just received by the Printer hereof,
(And may be had of him, and his newsmen,)
A fresh PARCEL of 
Dr. STEERS'S Chemical 
O P O D E L D O C,
For Bruises, Sprains, Rheumatism, &c.
In Bottles of 2s. 6d. and 1s. 6d. each.

This incomparable Opodeldoc (so universally esteemed for its superior Efficacy) is warm, penetrating, and attenuating, and is therefore an excellent Embrocation for the Gout and Rheumatism, dissolving the coajulated Lymph, of which those Diseases are formed.

In wounded Tendons it is likewise of the greatest Service, by Preventing the Juice which oozes out of them from fixing, and by its Tension occasioning those fatal Effects that often arise from them.

Bruises and Sprains it infallibly cures ; for it keeps the extravasated Lymph and Blood perfectly dissolved, prevents their fixing in the Interstices of the Vessels, ’till Nature either takes them up by the refluent Blood, or expels them through the Pores of the Skin.

Long contracted Sprains are removed by it, and it is of the utmost Service for weak and ricketty Children ; as also for Numbness, Stiffness or Weakness in the Joints.

It is a most efficacious Remedy for Burns and Scalds, extracting the Fire very soon, and if used immediately will entirely prevent them from blistering.

It speedily cures violent Pinches and Wounds under the Nails ; is excellent for a fresh Cut, and is of infinite Use for the Sting of Wasps, &c. and the Bite of Gnats and other venemous Insects.

For Chilblains or Chaps in the Hands or Feet, it is by far the best Remedy known, removing them very speedily, and if applied in Time will hinder them from breaking.

It is remarkably pleasant to the Smell, and for sudden Head-achs, equal to any of the volatile Essences.

N.B. This Opodeldoc is of the greatest Service for Horses that are strained in the back Sinews, wrung in the Withers, or have their Backs galled with the Saddle ; as likewise for swelled or cracked Heels, Wind Galls, old Strains, &c. and being so simple in the Application, is preferable to any other Preparation for Travellers.’

Stamford Mercury, 16 January, 1783.

Manslaughter by a fake Doctress

Manslaughter by a doctress.* Mercury used to be prescribed as a treatment for syphilis, so this sailor was probably not in the best of health. If mercury didn’t poison you, then the cure to rid your body of it would kill you anyway. Another treatment for syphilis was the use of sweat baths as it was thought induced salivation and sweating eliminated the syphilitic poisons.

But to get away with murder, or manslaughter in this case, you had to be a proper doctor.

“A woman named Nancy Simpson, a pretended doctress at Liverpool, has been committed to Lancaster Castle for trial at the next assizes, charged by the coroner’s inquest with manslaughter, in having occasioned the death of Wm. Birkett, a fine, stout, comely seafaring man, 21 years of age, by giving him some quack mixture, “to get the mercury out of his bones,” as she said, (it having been lately necessary that he should undergo salivation,) and which mixture had poisoned the young man.–The wretch lived in a cellar in Liverpool, and in her apartment were found numerous powders, pills and other nostrums, of a most potent and dangerous character.”

Stamford Mercury, 21 November, 1828.

*Another alternative for a female doctor was ‘doctrix’.

Mid-Lent Pleasure Fair, Stamford

The pleasure fair would become extinct; such was the prophecy of the writer of this article, lamenting the decline in attendance at the Stamford Mid-Lent pleasure fair. How shocked he would be to see it now, utterly transformed from exhibits of ‘dwarfs, giantesses, extraordinary cows, talking pigs’ to a collection of fairground attractions, from bumper cars, rollercoasters, trampolines to fortune tellers.

‘At one time, before the age of locomotive transit, the Midlent pleasure fair at Stamford was looked forward to by all classes with great expectation, and was considered worthy of patronage by all the élite of the town and neighbourhood ; but now, since access to the great metropolis has become so cheap and easy, there has been a gradual falling off in the attendance of–first of the visitors, & then of the attractions & amusements ; and at length the prophecy, “that in course of time, country fairs would become extinct,” seems to be fast approaching verification. At the mart last week there was a marked decline in the attendance of exhibitions and amusements, as also of visitors ; and even amongst those who did attend there seemed either a scarcity of money or want of excitement ; and it is not at all unlikely many of the proprietors of stalls and shows will be deterred from again visiting this fair, owing to the little support they met with on this occasion. The principal attractions were Wombwell’s collection of wild animals, whose band drew more listeners than the zoological specimens inside did spectators, for at no time was the attendance very large ; Clapton’s exhibition of moving figures, we believe, had the lion’s share of patronage, and Stevens’ menagerie was pretty well supported. There were also a peep show and one or two others of the minor class of exhibitions, consisting of dwarfs, giantesses, extraordinary cows, talking pigs, &c., with the usual complement of photographic and rifle galleries, all of which appeared to suffer from a want of money or an extra expenditure on the Royal wedding-day. There was likewise a diminution in the attendance of the light-fingered gentry, for we have only heard of one case of pocket picking during the whole of the fair : this was probaby owing to the efficient police arrangements.’

Stamford Mercury, 27 March, 1863.

Mary Stuart targets Lord Palmerston

Mary Stuart, who said she was the grand-daughter of Charles Stuart, The Young Pretender to the British throne, importunes Lord Palmerston without success and is punished by being confined for seven years.

‘At Marlborough-street police-court, on the 26th ult., Mary Stuart, needlewoman, about 60 years of age, who said she lived in Great Warner-street, Clerkenwell, was charged with wilfully breaking a square of glass at the residence of Lord Palmerston, Piccadilly. The offence was proved by Henry Bird, groom of the chambers to Lord Palmerston, who said that the prisoner came up to the house and inquired, “Is this Lord Palmerston’s ?” and being told that it was, deliberately threw a stone at the window. The prisoner, in reply to the charge, entered into a long statement, the effect of which was that she was the grand-daughter of Prince Charles Stuart, the Pretender ; that she had made repeated applications to the Government since 1829, also to George the Fourth, to the King of Hanover, and to the late Sir James Graham, but without effect. She had broken the windows of Sir James Graham, and was committed for ten days for so doing. She was afterwards kept in confinement for seven years, on the pretence that she was of unsound mind. A commission was sent to see her : they said she was sane, and she was liberated. She had written to Lord Palmerston for assistance, but as she could get no reply she broke a window. Since she had been discharged from the asylum she had gained her living by needlework. Mr. Knox remanded her for a week.’

Stamford Mercury, April 3, 1863.