Printers ‘ Advert


These Stamford Printers supplied not only writing paper, but some interesting books about Queen Anne, the trial of Charles I and horticulture.

To be sold, by the printers hereof, at Stamford in Lincolnshire, being Imported from Holland:

All sorts of fine Writing-Paper, from 5 d. to 1 s. 6 d. the Quire. Those that want a Quantity, will have it cheaper by the Ream. The following B O O K S may also be had of the Printers aforesaid, viz. T H E Life of Queen Anne. In which is contained, the most considerable actions of her Reign, both at Home and Abroad; her Character, Vertues and private Devotions. Also a particular Relation of her sickness and Death; with some Account of the Differences at Court which then happened. Illustrated with all her Speeches, Messages, Letters, &c. to her Parliaments and Allies; The Honours and Preferments bestow’d during her Reign, and other considerable Events. – The Florists Vade-Mecum. Being a choice Compendium of whatever worthy Notice hath been Extant, for the Propagation, Raising, Planting, Encreasing, and Preserving the rarest Flowers and Plants that our Climate and Skill will perswade to live with us. Together with Directions what to do each Month throughout the Year, in both Orchard and Flower-Garden. By Sam. Gilbert, Phileremus. – England’s Black Tribunal. Set forth in the Tryal of King Charles I by the then High Court of Justice in Westminster-Hall, Jan. 20, 1648. Together with his Majesty’s Speech on the Scaffold, and a perfect Relation of the Sufferings and Death of divers of the Nobiity and Gentry, for their Loyalty, with their several Dying Speeches, &c. Note, The Price of each is affix’d in the first Leaf of the Book.”

The Stamford Mercury, 11th February, 1720.