Chaise and Horses Tragedy.


Quite why this post-boy needed to hide his actions from Mr. Whincup of the George is not clear. Perhaps he had borrowed the chaise to deliver the passengers to Empingham on the quiet?! In any case, the chaise and all the horses were lost in the Welland.

It is also not clear what sort of vehicle it was, some were two-wheeled and driven by only one horse, others (like a post chaise) could be four-wheeled and enclosed. Often the driver would ride one of the horses.

“A serious loss was sustained by Mr. Whincup, of The George Inn in this place, on Wednesday night, through the misconduct of a post-boy names James Eaton. He had driven to Empingham two passengers who came to Stamford by the Regent coach, and on his return went with the chaise and horses into the river Welland, on the north side (to avoid observation from the George), to wash them, and the consequence was that the whole were by force of the current carried down the river. Opposite the brewery of Mr. Phillips the cries of the post-boy were heard, and that gentleman’s pleasure-boat was immediately used to save him: he was standing on the top of the chaise, with his head just above the water, when he was rescued: immediately the chaise and horses sunk, and the cattle* were drowned.”

The Stamford Mercury, 4th March, 1825.

*I don’t think there were cattle involved as well. Perhaps this refers to the horses?