A goose – along with lots of other things! This bird must have been quite large to accommodate the number of items (some quite sizeable) that the recipient found inside his Christmas present.
“The other day a laughable circumstance occurred at Barnsley, at the cottage of a labouring man names, Gibbins. A relation of Gibbins, who lives in Manchester, sent him a goose: its appearance led Gibbins to believe that Goosy was ready for the spit. After it had hang before the fire about 20 minutes, a neighbour of Gibbins popped in to have a peep at his present, who soon discovered by the appearance of the gravy that all was snot right. Gibbins, who had not previously observed it, was struck with the same impression, and had it immediately taken away from the fire and opened, when the following articles were found inside the goose, which had been put there with a view, no doubt, to save expense. The first article met with was a letter directed for Gibbins, on e for his sister, and a third for a distant relation, 30s. for a half year’s rent, a set of knitting needles, a print of her Majesty going in procession to Guildhall, two bottles of Godfrey’s cordial, six hanks of whitey-brown thread, a receipt* for making ginger beer, a new set of Christmas Hymns, and some confectionary.”
The Stamford Mercury, 22nd December, 1837.
*= a recipe.