For all parents with a teenage daughter, worry no more. If you can procure Dr. Williams’ pink pills, all life’s woes will disappear. They cure weakness, loss of appetite, depression, headache, backache, anaemia, etc. – if only life were so simple. A handy book is still available for those who don’t know how to take the pills.
No Longer a Child
Perhaps you have already noticed that your daughter in her “teens” has developed a fitful temper, is restless and excitable, and often in need of gentle reproof. In that case, remember that the march of years is leading her on to womanhood, and at this time a great responsibility rests upon you as parents.
If your daughter is pale, complains of weakness and depression, feels tired-out after a little exertion ; if she tells you of headache or backache, do not disregard these warnings. Your daughter needs help, for she is most probably anaemic–that is, bloodless.
Should you notice any of these disturbing signs, lose no time but procure for her Dr. Williams’ pink pills, for her unhealthy girlhood is bound to lead to unhealthy womanhood.
What Dr. Williams’ pink pills can accomplish is instanced by the case of Miss M. E. V. Mearing, of 2, Sunningdale Cottages, Harlington-road, Hillingdon, Uxbridge.
“A year or two after entering my teens,” she said, “I began to feel listless and tired out. I completely lost my appetite, and what little food I did eat caused indigestion. I was frequently attacked with faintness and headaches. The slightest exertion caused palpitation and breathlessness. Though always tired, I could not sleep.
“I was nervous, and the least noise would set me trembling. I grew paler and thinner, and suffered pain almost unbearable.
“A doctor told me I was suffering from anaemia, but medicine did not seem to do me any good. I began to think I should never get better and grew terribly depressed.
“Then I happened to read how Dr. Williams’ pink pills had cured a girl of anaemia, and I thought I would try them. By the time I had taken the second box I began to feel the benefit. My appetite improved and I became brighter.
“I continued with the pills and gradually regained my strength. Headaches no longer troubled me, and I could run upstairs without losing my breath or getting palpitation. My nerves became steady, and all traces of anaemia disappeared. I now enjoy excellent health, and I have only Dr. Williams’ pink pills to thank.”
Dr. Williams’ pink pills for pale people enrich the impoverished blood of girls and women, and by doing so they repair waste and prevent disease. They give to sickly drooping girls health, brightness, and charm, with colour in the cheeks, sparkling eyes, a light step and high spirits. Let your daughter begin them to-day ; any dealer supplies these pills ; but ask for Dr. Williams’.
FREE.–Of interest to all girls and women is the little book, “Plain talks to Women.” Offered free to those who send a postcard for a copy to Hints Dept., 36, Fitzroy-square, London, W.1.’
Stamford Mercury, 9th January, 1920.