The fascination with the aches, pains and other “ailments peculiar to ladies” provided an income for many. At this time almost any behaviour a woman demonstrated could be construed as hysteria. This article advocates that women cure themselves by administering “harmless” and “very pleasant” electric shocks.
It is well that ladies should know something about the various ailments peculiar to their sex, and we, therefore, strongly recommend them to send at once for a copy of Mr. Harness’ new medical work on “The Rational Electropathic Treatment of the Diseases of Women,” and read every line of it very carefully. They will then know how to speedily cure themselves without physic, and effectually avoid the many distressing symptoms of internal weakness, hysteria, functional irregularities, weak back, &c.
Electricity–as imperceptibly applied to the system by the aid of Mr. Harness’ beautifully-designed and scientifically-constructed Electropathic Belt Appliances–is not only a perfectly harmless remedy, but is also a very pleasant and sure one, which is strongly recommended by the most eminent authorities, including Dr. Anna Kingsford, M.D. A copy of this interesting brochure will be sent (under cover) to any address, free by post, on application to the Lady Superintendent, the Electropathic and Zander Institute, 52 Oxford-street, London, W.”
Stamford Mercury, 7th July 1893