Russian Customs


From time to time, the customs of other nations find their way into the paper; this article describes a possible dialogue, by way of salutation in Russia, when it must have been very cold.

“In Russia it is by no means an uncommon circumstance to hear two people accost each other in the following dialogue, by way of salutation : ‘I beg leave to acquaint you that your nose is freezing’ — to which the other probably answers, ‘I was just going to observe to you that your’s is already frozen.’  On such occasions both the sufferers stop, and reciprocally perform on each other the operation of rubbing the afflicted part with a piece of stuff, or sometimes with a handful of snow, in order to restore the circulation of the blood.  After this service mutually rendered, the parties separate with the usual ceremonial of bows and salutations. —Lit. Gaz.”

Stamford Mercury, 18 September 1829.